/* Error on https://tenali.sms-magic.com/static/css/chatbot.css?ver=5.5.15 : Something went wrong: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: tenali.sms-magic.com */

17. What are the different fields available on SMS History and conversation objects?

The following SMS History fields are available in the managed package:

  1. Campaign – Lookup of Campaign object
  2. Case – Lookup of Case object
  3. Contact – Lookup of Contact object
  4. Conversation – Lookup to conversation
  5. Converse App – Lookup to Converse app if message is triggered from converse app
  6. Converse App Action
  7. Converse App Task
  8. Country – If the country settings is selected as ‘All’ and country code is added to mobile number, shows the country name
  9. CreatedOn – Created date
  10. Delivery Error Message
  11. Delivery Status – Delivery report of outgoing message
  12. Direction – Shows direction of the messages IN for incoming and OUT for outgoing
  13. Disable SMS On Trigger
  14. External Field – Unique ID of the record
  15. Lead – Lookup of Lead object
  16. Message Credits – Shows how many SMS credits were consumed for that SMS
  17. Message Type – Shows if it is SMS /MMS
  18. MMS Subject – If it is MMS, show the subject of MMS.
  19. Mobile Number – Shows the mobile number used for sending the outgoing message
  20. ObjectType – Shows the object name from where the outgoing text was triggered
  21. Opportunity – Lookup of Opportunity object
  22. Previous Message – This field populated the lookup of last outgoing message in case of an incoming message
  23. SenderId – Shows the senderID used for sending/receiving message
  24. Sent Status
  25. SMS Template – Lookup of the SMS template used
  26. SMSText – Shows the message body of SMS
  27. Source – From where the message was triggered
  28. Status – Shows the overall status of message
  29. Status Message
  30. Text Unicode – Shows if the text was considered unicode
  31. Unformatted Phone Number – Unformats the mobile number
  32. User

The following Conversation Fields are available in the managed package:

  1. Account
  2. Campaign
  3. Case
  4. Contact
  5. Converse App
  6. Converse App Action
  7. Inbound Number
  8. isUnread
  9. Last Incoming Time
  10. Last Message Direction
  11. Last Message Time
  12. Last Outgoing Time
  13. Lead
  14. Mobile Number
  15. Mode
  16. New Count
  17. Object
  18. Opportunity
  19. Purpose
  20. Sender
  21. State

Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.