/* Error on https://tenali.sms-magic.com/static/css/chatbot.css?ver=5.5.15 : Something went wrong: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: tenali.sms-magic.com */

Create Conversive Buttons

To create conversive buttons follow the steps below:

  • Login to the Customer Portal using valid credentials, and the following home page of the Portal will appear:

The conversive buttons option will be available in the ‘Settings’ drop-down list only to the users to whom the relevant license is assigned.

  • Click on the ‘Settings’ drop-down as shown in the image below to access the conversive buttons settings section:
  • The conversive buttons settings page will appear:
  • A message saying, ‘All the buttons created by you will appear here. Click on Create New to create a new button’, will be displayed, as shown below:
  • Click on the ‘Create New’ button and the following page will appear:

The new conversive button creation section is divided into two parts namely, Channel & Related Information and Advanced Settings. The Channel & Related Information section is mandatory, whereas the Advanced Settings section is optional. The Button Preview section on the right gives a preview of the button as per your configuration.

Channels & Related Information section

  1. Enter the button name (combination of alphanumeric and special characters) in the ‘Button Name’ field 
  2. Select one or more channels that you want to display with the conversive button. You can opt to disable the channels. Once you select the channels, they will appear in the preview section.
  3. As per the channels selected, enter the relevant information in channel-specific fields
  4. In the case of SMS as the channel, the default Sender ID will be shown. Select the associated visitor countries. We have 1 Sender ID which will be selected as the default Sender ID for all locations and we can add more Sender IDs country-wise. The SMS pre-filled message is nothing but the keyword or phrase that you want your visitors to start a conversation with, for instance, ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’, etc.
  5. For WhatsApp, there is no associated visitor countries selection option. The WhatsApp pre-filled message is nothing but the first keyword that you use to start your conversation, for instance, ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’, etc.
  6. Enter a greeting message that you want to be displayed to the user with the conversive button
  7. Under the ‘Publish Your Button’ section, enter the domain for the embedded script. The domain is nothing but the website where conversive buttons will be hosted. If the main domain URL is added, sub-domains will be covered under it, and the button script can be embedded into sub-domain page URLs.
  8. The ‘Display’ drop-down indicates on what all devices the conversive button will be displayed, for instance, Desktop, Mobile, or Desktop and Mobile.
  9. After entering details in all fields, click on the ‘Generate Script’ button. Once the script gets generated, the user needs to copy and paste it into the codebase (HTML file like index.html). With this, the conversive buttons will be enabled at the location where the script was added to the codebase.

Advanced Settings Section

Advanced Settings is an optional section, where the user can configure the button appearance, view, image, font color, brand color, size, and position.

  • Click on the ‘Save’ button to save and create the conversive button

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.